ptrnine / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 3 years ago

adc79ce Use Network Manager to configure resolv.conf

Authored and Committed by cheimes 5 years ago
    Use Network Manager to configure resolv.conf
    IPA used to write a custom /etc/resolv.conf. On Fedora and RHEL,
    NetworkManager is typically maintaining resolv.conf. On reboot or
    restart of the service, NM overwrites the custom settings.
    On systems with NM enabled, the DNS server installer now drops a config
    file into NM's global config directory and delegates resolv.conf to NM.
    On systems without NM, fall back to create /etc/resolv.conf directly.
    Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <>
    Reviewed-By: Thomas Woerner <>
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