ptrnine / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 3 years ago

aacf185 Add pylint ignore to magic config.Env attributes

Authored and Committed by cheimes 5 years ago
    Add pylint ignore to magic config.Env attributes
    pylinti 2 is having a hard time to handle name mangled, magic attributes
    correctly. Double under attributes like __d are internally renamed to
    _Env__d. After multiple failed attempts, it was easier to just add more
    pylint disable to the implementation.
    pylint 2 also thinkgs that Env.server is defined much later or the env
    doesn't have that member at all. Ignore the false warnings, too.
    Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <>
    Reviewed-By: Armando Neto <>
file modified
+15 -9
file modified
+7 -0