ptrnine / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 3 years ago

33d95d6 ipatests: fix test_full_backup_and_restore

Authored and Committed by frenaud 5 years ago
    ipatests: fix test_full_backup_and_restore
    The test is failing when calling (on the replica)
        ipa-replica-manage re-initialize --from <master>
    because the tool needs to resolve master.
    The test does not set /etc/resolv.conf on the replica, as a
    consequence it relies on whatever DNS server is configured in
    your test environment prior to launching the test, and makes
    the test unreliable.
    In PR-CI env, /etc/resolv.conf points to the machine hosting
    the replica vm, which is unable to resolve master.ipa.test.
    The fix is modifying the replica's /etc/resolv.conf to use the
    master as DNS.