pemensik / bind-dyndb-ldap

Forked from bind-dyndb-ldap 6 years ago

9c8aa4f Replace LDAP persistent search with syncrepl (RFC 4533).

Authored and Committed by pspacek 10 years ago
    Replace LDAP persistent search with syncrepl (RFC 4533).
    All direct operations with LDAP Persistent Search control are replaced
    by ldap_sync_* calls.
    Syncrepl code works in exactly same way as old psearch code:
    Only the DN of the modified object is re-used from the message,
    data from the object are fetched via separate LDAP search.
    Current code is not able to detect object renaming because we don't have
    UUID->DN mapping yet.
    Another limitation is that current code can't detect unchanged entries,
    so serial is incremented after each parsed LDAP object.
    Signed-off-by: Petr Spacek <>
file modified
+1 -1
file modified
+3 -17
file modified
+274 -306