orion / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

d4a0fa3 Fix syntax errors in schema files

5 files Authored by pviktori 11 years ago, Committed by rcritten 11 years ago,
    Fix syntax errors in schema files
    - add missing closing parenthesis in idnsRecord declaration
    - remove extra dollar sign from ipaSudoRule declaration
    - handle missing/extraneous X-ORIGIN lines in 10-selinuxusermap.update
    This does not use the schema updater because the syntax needs to be
    fixed in the files themselves, otherwise 389 1.3.2+ will fail
    to start.
    Older DS versions transparently fix the syntax errors.
    The existing ldap-updater directive for ipaSudoRule is fixed
    (ldap-updater runs after upgradeconfig).
file modified
+1 -1
file modified
+1 -1