orion / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

797baef Fix lockout of LDAP bind.

Authored and Committed by rcritten 11 years ago
    Fix lockout of LDAP bind.
    There were several problems:
    - A cut-n-paste error where the wrong value was being considered when
      an account was administratively unlocked.
    - An off-by-one error where LDAP got one extra bind attempt.
    - krbPwdPolicyReference wasn't being retrieved as a virtual attribute so
      only the global_policy was used.
    - The lockout duration wasn't examined in the context of too many failed
      logins so wasn't being applied properly.
    - Lockout duration wasn't used properly so a user was effectively unlocked
      when the failure interval expired.
    - krbLastFailedAuth and krbLoginFailedCount are no longer updated past
      max failures.