orion / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

706c8ad Use fully qualified CCACHE names

Authored and Committed by mkosek 11 years ago
    Use fully qualified CCACHE names
    Some parts of install scripts used only ccache name as returned by
    krbV.CCache.name attribute. However, when this name is used again
    to initialize krbV.CCache object or when it is used in KRB5CCNAME
    environmental variable, it fails for new DIR type of CCACHE.
    We should always use both CCACHE type and name when referring to
    them to avoid these crashes. ldap2 backend was also updated to
    accept directly krbV.CCache object which contains everything we need
    to authenticate with ccache.
file modified
+6 -3
file modified
+12 -3