orion / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

6ae286a Permissions: select only applicable options on type change

Authored and Committed by pvoborni 11 years ago
    Permissions: select only applicable options on type change
     When a permission is edited, and Type switched, the attributes selected for
     previous Type are still selected, and update fails, if they are invalid for the
     new Type. But it should get deselected or not even listed if Type changes.
     When Type is changed, attribute list is refreshed and still applicable attributes
     are chosen. If Type is reverted back, previously chosen  attributes are back as chosen.
     If attributes are extended outside Web UI by not listed attr, this attr is listed at
     the list end.
     If user makes change in attribute list before type change, this change is forgotten.
file modified
+43 -47