orion / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

333f14c Fixing cleanup process in test_caless

1 file Authored by fbarreto 6 years ago, Committed by cheimes 6 years ago,
    Fixing cleanup process in test_caless
    After commit bbe615e12c278f9cddaeb38e80b970bf14d9b32d, if the uninstall
    process fails (in the test cleanup) the error is not hidden anymore.
    That brought light to errors in the cleanup process on
    TestReplicaInstall test, like this:
    RUN ['ipa-server-install', '--uninstall', '-U']
    ipapython.admintool: ERROR    Server removal aborted:
    Replication topology in suffix 'domain' is disconnected:
    Topology does not allow server master.ipa.test to replicate with servers:
    ipapython.admintool: ERROR    The ipa-server-install command failed
    This commit changes the order of how a replica should be removed from
    the topology.
    Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <pvoborni@redhat.com>