oliveiradan / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

5e9c4f1 Ticket #48146 - async simple paged results issue; need to close a small window for a pr index competed among multiple threads.

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 9 years ago
    Ticket #48146 - async simple paged results issue; need to close a small window for a pr index competed among multiple threads.
    Description: If multiple async simple paged results requests come in via one
    connection simultaneously, the same slot in the paged results array in the
    connection could be shared.  If one of them has to do paging, the search
    request object stashed in the paged result array slot could be freed by the
    other request if it has the shorter life cycle.
    These 3 reqs use the same paged results array slot.
    req0: <--------------><----x
    page1           page2
    req1: <----->
    req2:              <------->
    frees search result object of req0
    Reviewed by rmeggins@redhat.com (Thank you, Rich!!)
    (cherry picked from commit 3cf85d1ad6cbc0feac5578dee5ce259c0f65055f)
file modified
+46 -47