oliveiradan / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

57af562 Ticket #47608 - change slapi_entry_attr_get_bool to handle "on"/"off" values, support default value

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 10 years ago
    Ticket #47608 - change slapi_entry_attr_get_bool to handle "on"/"off" values, support default value
    Description: Adding an API slapi_entry_attr_get_bool_ext, which is an
    extension of slapi_entry_attr_get_bool.  The difference is slapi_
    entry_attr_get_bool_ext returns the given default value if the type
    is not found in the entry.
    Reviewed by rmeggins@redhat.com (Thank you, Rich!!)
file modified
+12 -2