oliveiradan / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

4f11606 Ticket #47748 - Simultaneous adding a user and binding as the user could fail in the password policy check

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 9 years ago
    Ticket #47748 - Simultaneous adding a user and binding as the user could fail in the password policy check
    Description: commit 4fc53e1a63222d0ff67c30a59f2cff4b535f90a8 fix for
    Ticket #47748 introduced a bug: "Simple bind hangs after enabling
    password policy".
    In do_bind, slapi_check_account_lock and need_new_pw overwrote the
    return code from backend bind which is used later. This patch fixes
    it not to override the return code.
    Reviewed by mreynolds@redhat.com (Thank you, Mark!!)
file modified
+7 -6