oliveiradan / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

2eba67c Ticket #48109 - substring index with nssubstrbegin: 1 is not being used with filters like (attr=x*)

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 9 years ago
    Ticket #48109 - substring index with nssubstrbegin: 1 is not being used with filters like (attr=x*)
    Description: In the commit ae69e4aa1dcec1c5f79af502b77d9e19a3d348ee,
    when pblock is passed to slapi_attr_assertion2keys_sub_sv_pb from the
    caller, the original slapdplugin is overwritten in the function.  In
    the case, the original slapdplugin has to be backed up and restored.
    Reviewed by rmeggins@redhat.com (Thank you, Rich!!)