oliveiradan / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

1c888bf Ticket #47879 - coverity defects in plugins/replication/windows_protocol_util.c

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 9 years ago
    Ticket #47879 - coverity defects in plugins/replication/windows_protocol_util.c
    Defect type: CLANG_WARNING
    1. ldap/servers/plugins/replication/windows_protocol_util.c:6024:warning – Value stored to 'rc' is never read
       # rc = windows_process_dirsync_entry(prp,e,0);
       # ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       Removed the unnecessary assignment.
    2. ldap/servers/plugins/replication/windows_protocol_util.c:1713:warning – Value stored to 'return_value' is never read
       # return_value = windows_conn_send_rename(prp->conn, slapi_sdn_get_dn(remote_dn),
       # ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       Added return_value checking code.
    3. ldap/servers/plugins/replication/windows_protocol_util.c:629:warning – Value stored to 'return_value' is never read
       Removed the unnecessary assignment to return_value.
    Reviewed by mreynolds@redhat.com (Thank you, Mark!!)