nikhilkathole / flock

Forked from flock 6 years ago

Flock Repo

This repository manages the Flock Call for Papers, Bidding/City Selection process, and stores notes and files related to running Flock. The Flock budget is tracked with the rest of the Fedora Budget.

Call for Papers

For Flock 2018, we are accepting proposals as issues in this repository. We are doing this so you can solicit feedback on your proposal, look for collaborators, figure out who you need in the room, and who will be there. To submit, please open a public issue in this repository and select the "Flock CfP" template. Then follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the issue answering the questions.
  2. Leave the issue public.
  3. Solicit and consider feedback. If you want to make changes, just edit the initial comment. That is what the CfP committee will read.
  4. Submissions will be considered in rounds. Submissions not selected in one round continue to the next one. Therefore you can keep on iterating :)
    1. Round 1 selection starts on: 15 June 2018
    2. Round 2 selection starts on: 2 July 2018
    3. Final selection starts on: 15 July 2018

The template is included for convenience below:

1. What is your proposal?

Be specific about what you want to accomplish, how this helps the project and
the attendees. Review the CFP call ( for details
on what we are looking for.

2. Who needs to be in the room for this to succeed?

List each person by their name and FAS ID, as shown below:

* Person One (pone)
* Person Two (ptwo)

3. Is this a…

(Delete all that DO NOT apply)

* 5 minutes: **Lightning talk**
* 60 minutes: **Talk**
* 2 hours: **Workshop**
* FAD/Hackfest that lasts a **half-day**
* FAD/Hackfest that lasts a **full-day**

4. Anything else we need to know?

This could be room setup, A/V needs, etc.
If you have private concerns, please email them to

5. Who are you?

* Name: 
* FAS ID: 
* IRC Nick, if not FAS ID: