
This project intends to replace the current Fedora packages app which is built atop now dead librairies and a pain to maintain. See The packages app has a short runway for context.

The idea here is to generate a static page for every package and index it using an independent tool such as Yacy.

With the exception of the MIT assets/css/bootstrap.min.css, the content of this repository is licensed under the GPLv3.


  • Clean code, make pylint and humans happy.
  • Display dependencies in package detail page.
  • Add support for modular and flatpak repositories.
  • Build container for use in CommunityShift.


The scripts contained in this repository depend

  • make
  • curl
  • python3
  • python3-requests
  • python3-jinja2


  • Download repository metadata for active releases: make sync-repositories
  • Download package-maintainers mapping from dist-git: make fetch-maintainers
  • Generate static website: make html

  • All at once: make all

  • Help message: make help
  • Clean artefacts (generated and downloaded): make clean