mreynolds / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

e87f581 Bug 675265 - preventryusn gets added to entries on a failed delete

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 13 years ago
    Bug 675265 - preventryusn gets added to entries on a failed delete
    Description: When an entry is deleted with Entry USN plugin enabled,
    an operational attribute preventryusn is added to handle indexes and
    entryusn tombstone.  The attribute must have been added only when
    the delete was successful, but it was added regardless of the result
    from the operation.  This patch checks the delete result in the
    newly added entryusn delete bepost plugin (usn_bepostop_delete).
    If it is not successful, the bepost plugin cleans up the attribute.