mreynolds / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

3c3fe1b Ticket 48127: Using RPM, allows non root user to create/remove DS instance

Authored and Committed by tbordaz 9 years ago
    Ticket 48127: Using RPM, allows non root user to create/remove DS instance
    Bug Description:
    	RPM 389-ds scripts to create and delete instance, assumes that the caller
    	can update selinux, tmpfiles and systemD.
    	This prevent regular user to create/delete an instance.
    Fix Description:
    	Test the caller is root before doing these updates
    	The fix also create a helper command '' to create/delete/start/stop/restart instance
    	This command is not delivered
    Reviewed by: Rich (thanks Rich !)
    Platforms tested: F17/F21
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: no