From 5b6fb85df8bacbbda213c38d9fb9d4f64dcdfb72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Petr Bokoc Date: Oct 15 2018 14:12:48 +0000 Subject: Merge #220 `Update desktop/I18n.adoc for ibus` --- diff --git a/modules/release-notes/pages/desktop/I18n.adoc b/modules/release-notes/pages/desktop/I18n.adoc index ae6c563..c249e84 100644 --- a/modules/release-notes/pages/desktop/I18n.adoc +++ b/modules/release-notes/pages/desktop/I18n.adoc @@ -4,3 +4,10 @@ include::{partialsdir}/entities.adoc[] [[sect-i18n]] = Internationalization + +[[sect-i18n-ibus]] +== IBus 1.5.19 +* In the previous release, typing kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+E] shortcut key launched an IBus emoji dialog and users typed an emoji annotation in the input entry of the dialog and the input entry could convert the annotation to an emoji character. Now the shortcut key enables the emoji input mode on each application using IBus pre-edit feature without launching the IBus emoji dialog. This feature can keep the current input focus to get the emoji characters and no longer hide the current input context with the emoji dialog. +* The feature of typing Unicode code points is now separated from the feature of typing kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+E] and kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+U] is assigned to type Unicode code poionts and both shortcut keys can be customized with `ibus-setup` utility. +* This release now shows a pre-edit text when users type compose keys. _E.g. kbd:[Multi_key+apostrophe+E] shows the apostrophe "`'`" on the pre-edit at first and outputs "`é`"._ +* ibus-hangul 1.5.1 starts with Latin mode by default. This setting can be changed in setup dialog, or use toggle keys kbd:[Shift+space] and kbd:[Hangul] to switch the Hangul mode.