From 272bf29f97fc50dd5c3213cb1dd1a01ea6623161 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Petr Bokoc Date: Apr 14 2020 14:16:42 +0000 Subject: Issue 396 - firewalld now uses nftables as its default backend --- diff --git a/modules/release-notes/pages/sysadmin/Security.adoc b/modules/release-notes/pages/sysadmin/Security.adoc index dcabdc5..6e8460b 100644 --- a/modules/release-notes/pages/sysadmin/Security.adoc +++ b/modules/release-notes/pages/sysadmin/Security.adoc @@ -3,3 +3,15 @@ include::{partialsdir}/entities.adoc[] [[sect-security]] = Security + +== firewalld now uses nftables as its default backend + +With this release, the `nftables` filtering subsystem becomes the default firewall backend for the `firewalld` daemon. +To change the backend, use the `FirewallBackend` option in the `/etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf` file. +This change introduces the following differences in behavior when using `nftables`: +* `iptables` rule executions always occur _before_ `firewalld` rules +** `DROP` in `iptables` means a packet is never seen by `firewalld` +** `ACCEPT` in `iptables` means a packet is still subject to `firewalld` rules +* direct-rule execution occurs _before_ `firewalld` generic acceptance of established connections + +For more information, see link:[] and link:[].