miztake / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

f66360e build: checkout *.po files at the end of makerpms.sh

Authored and Committed by tkrizek 6 years ago
1 file changed. 4 lines added. 0 lines removed.
    build: checkout *.po files at the end of makerpms.sh
    *.po are re-generated during build. These changes shouldn't be
    comitted to git unless translation have been updated (during
    Fixes https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/6605
    Signed-off-by: Tomas Krizek <tkrizek@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Pavel Vomacka <pvomacka@redhat.com>
file modified
+4 -0