miztake / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

d0320b9 Sanitize UDP checks in conncheck

2 files Authored by mkosek 12 years ago, Committed by rcritten 12 years ago,
    Sanitize UDP checks in conncheck
    UDP port checks in ipa-replica-conncheck always returns OK even
    if they are closed by a firewall. They cannot be reliably checked
    in the same way as TCP ports as there is no session management as
    in TCP protocol. We cannot guarantee a response on the checked
    side without our own echo server bound to checked port.
    This patch removes UDP port checks in replica->master direction
    as we would have to implement (kerberos) protocol-wise check
    to make the other side actually respond. A list of skipped
    ports is printed for user.
    Direction master->replica was fixed and now it is able to report
    error when the port is blocked.
file modified
+11 -16