miztake / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

c92309f Enabled paging on automount keys.

9 files Authored by edewata 12 years ago, Committed by pvoborni 12 years ago,
    Enabled paging on automount keys.
    The automount keys search facet has been modified to support paging.
    Since the automountkey-find command doesn't support --pkey-only
    option, the facet is configured such that during a refresh operation
    it will retrieve all entries (including the key and info attributes)
    and then display only the ones that are supposed to be visible in
    the current page.
    Ticket #2093
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+15 -2
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+5 -1
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+51 -39
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+1 -1
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+6 -32
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+1 -1