miztake / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

844d4ff Require current password when using passwd to change your own password.

7 files Authored by rcritten 12 years ago, Committed by mkosek 12 years ago,
    Require current password when using passwd to change your own password.
    Add a new required parameter, current_password. In order to ask this
    first I added a new parameter option, sortorder. The lower the value the
    earlier it will be prompted for.
    I also changed the way autofill works. It will attempt to get the default
    and if it doesn't get anything will continue prompting interactively.
    Since current_password is required I'm passing a magic value that
    means changing someone else's password. We need to pass something
    since current_password is required.
    The python-ldap passwd command doesn't seem to use the old password at
    all so I do a simple bind to validate it.
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