miztake / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

6a44793 Automember UI - default groups

9 files Authored by pvoborni 12 years ago, Committed by edewata 12 years ago,
    Automember UI - default groups
    In this patch was implemented and added a control for defining default automember groups.
    There is a difference from UXD spec. In the spec the control was placed below table in the search facet. This was not working well with the combobox in the control. Open combobox requires some space below it. As it was placed at the bottom of the page it created unwanted blank space and forced showing scrollbars. Moving the control above the table solves the problem without rewriting combobox logic. It can be rewritten and moved down later.
file modified
+186 -0
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+34 -0
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+3 -2