miztake / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

4265028 Add reverse DNS record when forward is created

Authored and Committed by mkosek 12 years ago
    Add reverse DNS record when forward is created
    Adding reverse DNS record may be a time consuming task, especially
    for IPv6 addresses. Having a way to automatically create a reverse
    record when a forward record is created could speed up the process.
    host-add command already has this possibility.
    This patch takes advantage of the new per-type API and adds new
    options for A/AAAA record types: --a-create-reverse and
    --aaaa-create-reverse. These commands can be used to automatically
    create reverse records for new A/AAAA addresses (both forward
    and reverse zones need to be managed by FreeIPA server):
    ipa dnsrecord-add example.com foo --a-rec= --a-create-reverse
    This command would add a new A record to record foo in zone
    example.com and a PTR record to appropriate reverse zone for
    IP address (for example PTR record 1 in zone
    0.0.10.in-addr.arpa. pointing to foo.example.com.).
    Few modification were done to new DNS API to support this feature:
     - Refactor --ip-address option handling from host-add and place it
       to dns.py to be used by both modules
     - Add support for "extra" per-type options
     - Hide DNS record part options in dnsrecord_find command as they
       have no effect for this command
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+38 -107
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+1 -1
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+293 -50
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+15 -89