lruzicka / testcloud

Forked from testcloud 3 years ago


testcloud is a small helper script to download and boot cloud images locally. Currently, only Fedora qcow2 images are tested and supported.


The following procedure should only be used to install testcloud on a production system. For developing purposes, you need a different kind of installation which is described in the Testcloud Development section below.

To use testcloud on a production system:

  1. Install the testcloud.

    $ sudo dnf install testcloud

  2. Add yourself to the testcloud group.

    $ sudo usermod -a -G testcloud $USER

  3. Restart your user session to update the group privileges, or use su - to get a login shell for that particular user where the group settings will be updated.

    $ su -i $USER

  4. Now, you are ready to use testcloud.

Using testcloud

Creating a new instance

To create a new instance, you will need to provide the url of some cloud image in the qcow2 format. If you do not have an image location of your own, you can use the image from the Fedora Cloud download pages (

To create a new instance with the cloud image, run:

$ testcloud instance create <instance name> -u <url for qcow2 image>

testcloud will download the qcow2 image and save it in the /var/lib/testcloud/backingstores/<qcow2-filename>. It will use this image a backing store for the newly created instance in /var/tmp/instances/<instance-name>. When the image has been already downloaded, testcloud will use the previously download image to create the instance.

You will be able to see the instance using the list command.

$ testcloud instance list

Note, that the above command will only list the running instances. To see all instances, use:

$ testcloud instance list --all 

Alternatively, the instances can also be viewed and manipulated using the virt-manager tool.

Starting, stopping, and removing an instance

Instances can be started and stopped using the instance interface of the testcloud, too:

  1. List all instances to see the correct name of the instance:

    $ testcloud instance list --all

  2. Start the instance:

    $ testcloud instance start <instance-name>

  3. Stop the instance:

    $ testcloud instance stop <instance-name>

  4. Remove the instance:

    $ testcloud instance remove <instance-name>

Removing the instance only succeeds when the appropriate instance has been stopped before. However, you can use the -f option to force removing the instance.

Other instance operations

  1. Reboot the instance:

    $ testcloud instance reboot <instance-name>

  2. Remove non-existing libvirt VMs from testcloud:

    $ testcloud instance clean

Logging into the instance

When the instance is created, testcloud will return its IP address that you can use to access the running instance via ssh. The login name is fedora and the password is passw0rd.

ssh fedora@<instance-IP>

The IP address of an instance is also shown when you list the instance using the testcloud instance list command. You can also control the instance using the virt-manager tool.

Available options to create an instance

There are several options (all optional) that can be used to create a new instance using testcloud.

--ram RAM

To set the amount of RAM that will be available to the virtual machine (in MiB).


This turns off the graphical display of the virtual machine.


To open a VNC connection at the :1 display of the instance.

-u, --url URL

The URL from where the qcow2 image should be downloaded. This option is compulsory.

--timeout TIMEOUT

A time (in seconds) to wait for boot to complete. Setting to 0 (default) will disable this functionality.

--disksize DISKSIZE

To set the disk size of the virtual machine (in GiB)


The default configuration should work for many people but those defaults can be overridden through the use of a file containing the values to use when overriding default settings. The example file in conf/ shows the possible configuration values which can be changed.

Note that in order for those new values to be picked up, the filename must be and that file must live in one of the following locations:

  • conf/ in the git checkout
  • ~/.config/testcloud/
  • /etc/testcloud/

For example, if you wanted to set up an ssh accessible root account that uses an ssh key as the authentification method, you could provide the following to the ~/.config/testcloud/

USER_DATA = """#cloud-config 
    - default 
    - name: root 
      password: %s 
      chpasswd: { expire: False } 
      - <my ssh pub key> 

Testcloud Development

To develop testcloud, you need to perform a more complicated process to install all its dependencies, download the source code and perform a set-up.

To install testcloud for development purposes:


  1. Install the dependencies for testcloud.

    $ sudo dnf install libvirt python3-libvirt libguestfs libguestfs-tools python3-requests python3-jinja2

  2. Start libvirtd.

    $ sudo systemctl start libvirtd

  3. Add the testcloud group to the system.

    $ sudo groupadd testcloud

  4. Add a user into the testcloud group.

    $ sudo usermod -a -G testcloud $USER

  5. Log out of the system and log in again to update the group information on your user or use a login shell on a different terminal.

    $ su - $USER


  1. Clone the testcloud repository.

    $ git clone

  2. Create the application directories.

    $ sudo mkdir -p -m 775 /var/lib/testcloud

    $ sudo mkdir -p -m 775 /var/lib/testcloud/instances

    $ sudo mkdir -p -m 775 /var/lib/testcloud/backingstores

  3. Change ownership on these directories to enable their use with testcloud.

    $ sudo chown qemu:testcloud /var/lib/testcloud

    $ sudo chown qemu:testcloud /var/lib/testcloud/instances

    $ sudo chown qemu:testcloud /var/lib/testcloud/backingstores

  4. Copy the .rules file to the polkit rules.

    $ sudo cp conf/99-testcloud-nonroot-libvirt-access.rules /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/

Running testcloud

  1. Navigate to your testcloud git repository.

    $ cd testcloud

  2. Execute the script to run the testcloud. You can use any options as with the regular installation, for example:

    $ ./ instance create ...

  3. Alternatively, you can use pip to install testcloud onto the system and then use it like it has been installed normally.

    $ pip3 install -e . --user


There is a small testsuite you can run with:


This is a good place to contribute if you\'re looking to help out.

Issue Tracking and Roadmap

Our project tracker is on the Fedora QA-devel Pagure instance.


Thanks to Oddshocks for the koji downloader code :)


This code is licensed GPLv2+. See the LICENSE file for details.