lnie / taskotron / libtaskotron

Forked from taskotron/libtaskotron 6 years ago

db85bdf Support for Ansible Tasks

Authored and Committed by mkrizek 6 years ago
    Support for Ansible Tasks
    This patch removes libtaskotron formula format for writing tasks and
    introduces support for running tasks in form of an ansible playbook.
    The following parts are removed:
    * task formula handling code
    * remote execution (Paramiko Wrapper)
    * concept of overlord and minion
    * the exitcode directive (hasn't been really used)
    When running locally, user is asked for sudo password since tasks are ran
    as root.
    Test Plan:
    $ git clone https://pagure.io/task-rpmlint-ansible
    $ runtask -d -i gzip -t koji_build -a x86_64 task-rpmlint-ansible/run_tests.yml
    $ runtask -d -i gzip -t koji_build -a x86_64 --ssh $IP_ADDRESS --ssh-privkey conf/id_taskotron task-rpmlint-ansible/run_tests.yml
    $ runtask -d -i gzip -t koji_build -a x86_64 --libvirt --ssh-privkey conf/id_taskotron task-rpmlint-ansible/run_tests.yml
    Differential Revision: https://phab.qa.fedoraproject.org/D1195
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