lkrispen / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

ce05f24 Issue 49999 - Finish up the transfer to React

Authored and Committed by spichugi 5 years ago
    Issue 49999 - Finish up the transfer to React
    Description: Move plugins.es6 to index.es6 so we can
    properly navigate using old nav-bar. New React entry points
    should be added to the index.es6.
    Add a make target for manual Cockpit UI building:
    'make 389-console' and a target to 'eslint-fix'.
    Fix a few CSS issues.
    Reviewed by: mreynolds, mhonek (Thanks!)
file modified
+4 -1
src/cockpit/389-console/src/index.es6 src/cockpit/389-console/src/plugins.es6
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file