lkrispen / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

9d8887a Ticket 49754 - instances created with dscreate can not be upgraded with

Authored and Committed by mreynolds 6 years ago
    Ticket 49754 - instances created with dscreate can not be upgraded with
    Bug Description:  If you create an instance with dscreate and try to
                      upgrade that instance using it will fail.
                      While you should not mix and match the python and perl
                      tools, it is still possible and it should work.
    Fix Description:  The first problem was that the instance dir (inst_dir)
                      was not set during dscreate, and second we were also not
                      setting the correct inst_dir in defaults.inf.
                      Also dscreate does not create a backend by default,
                      which caused to fail on an upgrade.
                      Finally updated UI's instance creation template to use
                      the correct inst_dir.
    Reviewed by: vashirov(Thanks!)