lkrispen / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

423a7ba Ticket 50413 - ds-replcheck - Always display the Result Summary

1 file Authored by mreynolds 5 years ago, Committed by mreynolds 5 years ago,
    Ticket 50413 - ds-replcheck - Always display the Result Summary
    Description:  Previously we only printed a "Result Summary" if there
                  were no inconsistencies and the entry counts matched.
                  However, the entry counts do not need to match.  So
                  this made the "Result Summary" checks too strict, and
                  if things were out of sync there was no Result Summary
                  printed at all.  This fix just always prints a result
                  summary and it removes the entry count check.
    Reviewed by: ?