khemraj / sanlock

Forked from sanlock 2 years ago

8a7764f Add size option to sanlock direct dump

3 files Authored by nsoffer 7 years ago, Committed by teigland 7 years ago,
    Add size option to sanlock direct dump
    Previously "sanlock direct dump" would stop when the first unused space
    was found in a lockspace or resource area. For example:
        $ sanlock direct init -r lockspace:A:leases:0
        $ sanlock direct init -r lockspace:B:leases:3145728
        $ sanlock direct dump leases
          offset    lockspace    resource  timestamp  own  gen lver
        00000000    lockspace           A 0000000000 0000 0000 0
    This patch adds optional size option. If specified, dump will search up
    to size bytes:
        $ sanlock direct dump leases:0:10485760
          offset    lockspace    resource  timestamp  own  gen lver
        00000000    lockspace           A 0000000000 0000 0000 0
        03145728    lockspace           B 0000000000 0000 0000 0
    Signed-off-by: Nir Soffer <>
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