khemraj / sanlock

Forked from sanlock 2 years ago

7c4d084 reset: Reduce logging noise to stderr and syslog

1 file Authored by nsoffer 9 years ago, Committed by teigland 9 years ago,
    reset: Reduce logging noise to stderr and syslog
    When reseting another host, we used to create lot of noise by logging
    the result of any lockspace check every 2 seconds. This info is useless
    for the user of this command, but may be valuable for debugging. So now
    we log everything when using --debug-mode, and only state changes
    Some log messages were too verbose and technical. Now log_debug messages
    are verbose and technical, but log_info messages are trying to be user
    Previously we logged few messages per lockspace to syslog for each reset
    operation. This is unwanted noise on a machine performing a reset,
    specially when using 10's of lockspaces. Now only warning and errors
    are logged to syslog. We assume that a program running this tool will
    log its own logs if needed for each reset operation.
    Signed-off-by: Nir Soffer <>
file modified
+62 -43