kalev / pungi-fedora

Forked from pungi-fedora 5 years ago

c8d5de1 ostree-installer: download Flatpaks from registry-no-cdn.fedoraproject.org

Authored and Committed by otaylor 4 years ago
1 file changed. 9 lines added. 3 lines removed.
    ostree-installer: download Flatpaks from registry-no-cdn.fedoraproject.org
    The koji runroot used for to create the OSTree installer has no access
    to external networks, so use a special hostname for registry.fedoraproject.org
    that suppresses the redirects to the CDN that would normally happen for
    blob downloads.
    Signed-off-by: Owen W. Taylor <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
file modified
+9 -3