kalev / pungi-fedora

Forked from pungi-fedora 5 years ago

587a7e2 Add glib-networking to multilib whitelist

Authored and Committed by kalev 5 years ago
1 file changed. 2 lines added. 1 lines removed.
    Add glib-networking to multilib whitelist
    Make sure glib-networking is always installed multilib. Right now the
    dependency that makes glib-networking multilib is Requires:
    glib-networking%{_isa} in libsoup, but if libsoup is not in the same
    repo as glib-networking (as is the case right now with the F30 updates
    repo), glib-networking can drop out of multilib.
    Fix this by explicitly listing it as multilib.
    Signed-off-by: Kalev Lember <klember@redhat.com>
file modified
+2 -1