jrichardson / infra-docs

Forked from infra-docs 2 years ago

787a934 sshaccess: Set HostName in SSH config to follow D.R.Y. principles

1 file Authored by jflory7 3 years ago, Committed by pingou 3 years ago,
    sshaccess: Set HostName in SSH config to follow D.R.Y. principles
    This is a personal preference, but in my SSH config, I used `HostName`
    for the new hostname, since I have a lot of personal scripts and other
    shortcuts for Fedora things that go through that host.
    So, anything that already uses "bastion.fedoraproject.org" will still
    work, and I only have one place I ever have to change my SSH config.
    Signed-off-by: Justin W. Flory <git@jwf.io>