6d38404 Refactoring navbar and fixing errors validations

14 files Authored by thiagocmoreira 6 years ago, Committed by MatheusGodinho 6 years ago,
    Refactoring navbar and fixing errors validations
    - Adding autorefresh to tables
    - Adding listerrors component and manupulating json.
    - Refactor ErrorsTable and modify errors table
    - Add bootstrap navbar
    - Change errors table and add filter and pagination
    - Add logo in navbar and put navbar in pags base
    - Added some validations, message field and improving errorstable.
     Signed-off-by: rafaelrabetti <rafael.rabetti@gmail.com>
     Signed-off-by: eduardonunes <eduardonunes2525@gmail.com>
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src/components/analyzis/PieChart.vue src/components/analyze/AnalyzerErrors.vue
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