jcline / fedora-hubs

Forked from fedora-hubs 7 years ago

314897b Visit Counter

Authored and Committed by skrzepto 7 years ago
    Visit Counter
    Commit History:
    added base model for visitcounter and added it to populate.py
    updating so that when you delete hub the visit_counter is also deleted but when you delete the visit_counter the hub/user is still there
    adding basic hubs incrementing, having problems with ipsilon to test
    typo in name, naive implementation works, but its increments 4 times on one load of a page
    moving increment counter in another location
    updating to js ajax call, at the moment the route call isnt working
    debugging stuff
    changed url str
    finally working
    updating route to visit and wrote some unittests
    removing unecessary lines
    added login requrired to increment visit counter and make sure the user requesting the increment is the same user
    removing redundant variable username and just using visited_hub
    removing the check if user is logged in because @login_required is there, also surrounded get_or_create in try statement even though it should never except
    adding tests and fixing where try/except goes
    convering does hub/user exist to one liners
    cleaning up file
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