jcline / fedora-hubs

Forked from fedora-hubs 7 years ago

1b7e63b Fixing model relation ship

Authored and Committed by skrzepto 8 years ago
    Fixing model relation ship
    1. when running delete-user.py with the hubs section commented out. When I enter user: `decause` to delete. From the db I see that the users table and associations table is affected and the hub is still around like predicted
    2. This is with user already deleted. When I uncomment the hubs section from delete-user.py and enter user: `decause` to delete hub. The db hub row is gone and all its widgets are also all deleted.
    3. With user still in db. From the db widgets, hubs. Association is missing the rows with decause in it but decause is still found in the users table just like we want
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