hellcp / pagure

Forked from pagure 3 years ago

881c713 Omit breaking original comment format in reply

4 files Authored by Lukas Holecek 3 years ago, Committed by pingou 3 years ago,
    Omit breaking original comment format in reply
    This fixes replying to a comment with block quotes and other formatted
    text by prefixing each line in the original Markdown text with `>` to
    create additional quotation level. Previously, this was done on the
    rendered Markdown, but it removed the formatting.
    In some cases, the Markdown rendering can be still broken, for example
    code blocks using triple backticks. From Python-Markdown documentation
    > Fenced Code Blocks are only supported at the document root level.
    > Therefore, they cannot be nested inside lists or blockquotes.
    [1] https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/fenced_code_blocks/
    Fixes #2479
    Signed-off-by: Lukas Holecek <hluk@email.cz>
file modified
+2 -1
file modified
+34 -15