gerases / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

1c3bf98 Ticket 570 - DS returns error 20 when replacing values of a multi-valued attribute (only when replication is enabled)

Authored and Committed by mreynolds 11 years ago
    Ticket 570 - DS returns error 20 when replacing values of a multi-valued attribute (only when replication is enabled)
    Bug Description:  When replacing an attr value "SOME_VALUE" with "some_value", and replication
                      is enabled, an error 20(type or value exists) is incorrectly returned.
    Fix Description:  For replace operations we were doing a bit-by-bit comparison.  Ignoring the syntax
                      of the attribute.  The fix was to remove this bit-by-bit check that is no longer
                      necessary with the current code base.
                      Also cleaned up some compiler warnings.
    Reviewed by: ?
file modified
+41 -72
file modified
+0 -1