gerases / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

09efabf Ticket #613 - ldclt: add timestamp, interval, nozeropad, other improvements

Authored and Committed by rmeggins 11 years ago
    Ticket #613 - ldclt: add timestamp, interval, nozeropad, other improvements
    Reviewed by: nhosoi (Thanks!)
    Branch: master
    Fix Description:
    add new timestamp, interval, nozeropad options - fix interval
    added timestamp and sampinterval options
    -e timestamp[=strftime format] - add timestamp "|" to the beginning of every
    ldclt status update line
    -e sampinterval=SECS - print the status update line every SECS seconds
    allow specifying the value to use for the increment instead of 1
    in incremental mode, rather than just incrementing the value by 1,
    allow specifying -e incr=value and use the value for the increment
    also wrap the lastVal number instead of just resetting to randomLow
    if the lastVal is > randomHigh.
    added -e nozeropad option
    ldclt will usually generate random numbers used in RDNs and values padded
    with 0 e.g. uid=XXXXX is uid=00001 - with the -e nozeropad option, this will
    turn uid=X or XX or .. into uid=1 - no zero padding
    increment based on low value
    was incorrectly computing wrap-around value
    Platforms tested: RHEL6 x86_64
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: Yes