gerases / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

0157534 Bug 739172 - Allow separate fractional attrs for incremental and total protocols

Authored and Committed by nkinder 12 years ago
    Bug 739172 - Allow separate fractional attrs for incremental and total protocols
    This patch adds the ability to have a separate fractional attribute
    list for the incremental and total update replication protocols.
    A new nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal attribute can be added to a
    replication agreement to list the attributes to exclude from the
    total update protocol.  This has the same format as the existing
    nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList attribute.  If a separate total update
    attribute list is not specified, the nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList
    value will be used for both incremental and total update.  To use
    a total update attribute list, an incremental list must be specified
    as well.
file modified
+2 -1