ftrivino / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

776af82 Enable update and reset button only if dirty

3 files Authored by pvoborni 12 years ago, Committed by edewata 12 years ago,
    Enable update and reset button only if dirty
    Original problem:
    WEBUI: Update automount location refer to unknown command
    Update name of the automount location (Policy -> Automount ->
    custom_location -> Settings -> Update) in the WEBUI refer to an unknown command.
    Tracking dirty state in field -> section -> details facet.
    'Reset' and 'Updates' in details facet are enabled only if facet is dirty.
    Removes the problem above and 'no modification to be performed' annoyance.
file modified
+50 -4
file modified
+32 -0
file modified
+42 -0