frostyx / copr / copr

Forked from copr/copr 7 years ago

dddc4ad [frontend] rework error handlers to fix #531

6 files Authored by frostyx 5 years ago, Committed by msuchy 5 years ago,
    [frontend] rework error handlers to fix #531
    There are multiple issues with our current implementation
    of error handling.
    First, `apiv3_ns` defines error handlers on application level,
    not blueprint level. This causes the #531 issue and results in
    showing API errors even for exceptions, that happened in UI.
    Also, `coprs_ns` defines error handler for 404, but only for the case,
    that some object is not found. It doesn't cover the case when
    a whole API endpoint is not found. We can't add it there, though.
    According to the Flask documentation
    it is not possible to add handlers for 404 and 405 on blueprint level.
    That's why it is currently implemented in ``.
    That basically means, that our error handlers are inconsistently spread
    within the application and we need to have some of them for `apiv3_ns`
    and `coprs_ns` blueprints and also a conditioned handler for 404 on
    application level. I have had multiple moments of clarity, thinking
    that I finally understand how the code works, but I didn't. And then
    again and gain, so I decided to rather have all handlers implemented
    the same way.