frostyx / copr / copr

Forked from copr/copr 7 years ago

86377b5 backend: print more reasonable output from AWS hitcounter script

2 files Authored by frostyx 2 years ago, Committed by praiskup 2 years ago,
    backend: print more reasonable output from AWS hitcounter script
    The original output looked like
    Sending: 870 results from 1653911246 to 1653911667
    Sending: 880 results from 1653908604 to 1653908967
    Sending: 804 results from 1653911549 to 1653911968
    Which is IMHO useless. I am changing it to
    [1/98842] cloudwatch/E2PUZIRCXCOXTG.2021-12-07-15.00d7a244.gz (20 accesses)
    [2/98842] cloudwatch/E2PUZIRCXCOXTG.2021-12-07-15.0116fd9c.gz (10 accesses)
    [3/98842] cloudwatch/E2PUZIRCXCOXTG.2021-12-07-15.027cfed6.gz (7 accesses)