frostyx / copr / copr

Forked from copr/copr 7 years ago

34b066f rpmbuild: require the latest version of gem2rpm

1 file Authored by frostyx 2 years ago, Committed by frostyx 2 years ago,
    rpmbuild: require the latest version of gem2rpm
    The old version
        [root@fedora ~]# rpm -qf /usr/bin/gem2rpm
    Didn't work and failed with
        /usr/share/gems/gems/gem2rpm-1.0.1/bin/gem2rpm:55:in `initialize': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - (Errno::ENOENT)
                from /usr/share/gems/gems/gem2rpm-1.0.1/bin/gem2rpm:55:in `open'
                from /usr/share/gems/gems/gem2rpm-1.0.1/bin/gem2rpm:55:in `<top (required)>'
                from /usr/bin/gem2rpm:23:in `load'
                from /usr/bin/gem2rpm:23:in `<main>'
file modified
+3 -0