frostyx / copr / copr

Forked from copr/copr 7 years ago

0e42482 frontend: add EOL repositories page for user (in opposite to project)

4 files Authored by frostyx 3 years ago, Committed by praiskup 3 years ago,
    frontend: add EOL repositories page for user (in opposite to project)
    Email notifications proved to be not reliable enough and we shouldn't
    rely on them. It can happen that emails are not being sent [1], that
    they are being delivered as spam [2], or that they are not being
    delivered to some users at all [3].
    We don't want to create a notification system, that would duplicate
    all messages and show them directly at Copr site (at least for the
    time being), so we decided to create a page showing outdated
    repositories from all projects permissible by a user (in opposite to
    having them in project settings). This way, there is a single entry
    point for all of them. Users that have problems with receiving emails
    from Copr can then bookmark this page and take over the responsibility
    and schedule to prolong the duration of their EOL repositories.