fivaldi / waiverdb

Forked from waiverdb 6 years ago

f92b840 exclude conf/ from published tarballs

Authored and Committed by Dan Callaghan 7 years ago
1 file changed. 1 lines added. 0 lines removed.
    exclude conf/ from published tarballs
    The waiverdb-0.2.1 tarball I published accidentally included a 0-byte
    conf/ because that file was (uncommitted) in my working tree
    when I built the tarball. Moreover I didn't notice because we explicitly
    gitignore'd that file because we *expect* everyone to have to it in
    their working tree.
    So let's ensure that the setuptools manifest won't pick it up in future.
    A nicer solution might be to switch to setuptools-git to ensure the
    tarball *never* includes random uncommitted junk in it...
file modified
+1 -0