firstyear / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

f80928f Ticket 49795 - UI - add "action" backend funtionality

Authored and Committed by mreynolds 6 years ago
    Ticket 49795 - UI - add "action" backend funtionality
    Description:  Added the backend functionality for all the items in the "Action"
                  dropdown list on the banner.
                  Added ability to use the instance name in dsconf, previously
                  only ldap URLs worked.
                  Added more helper functions:
                    popup_confirm() - this now accepts html tags so nicer output
                    get_ldapurl_from_serverid(server_id) - take an instance name
                      and generate a LDAP URL from its dse.ldif
                  And of course did some code cleanup.
    Reviewed by: ?
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